New flag on the LYTO’S globe: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
LYTO’S chiude un 2013 positivo ed apre un 2014 ricco di nuove commesse
15/01/2014Beating international competition, AUTOMHA with LYTO’S have been awarded of a new major contract in India for a self supporting automatic warehouse with 25 m height.
By now India has become a key market for the binomial AUTOMHA-LYTO’S, which in the past 15 months has managed to conclude contracts for the realization of 4 major projects of automatic warehouses.
It is a success strategically important for several reasons:
- Customer is a leading Indian group, reference in the textile sector, with over 20 factories and 3.000 employess;
- structure of the warehouse is self-supporting, with Lyto’s solution of double deep, fully hot galvanized, with height more than 24 m, storage capacity of almost 10,000 unit load of weight 1000 kg;
- contract provide the formula turnkey, including at charge of AUTOMHA-LYTO’S the full design of the project, supply and installation of the structures and the cladding system, realized by sandwich panels, moreover of the automation and the management software.
Great satisfaction for one more commercial success in the international market, and also for the exceptional harmony that characterizes since years the relationship between LYTO’S and AUTOMHA (www.automha.it)