Arredo3 doubles with Lyto’s!
Santex new automated warehouse: a great human experience
17/07/2017When it did so in the far 1974, Lyto’s was only 9 years old, but it already showed the potential of which it was and would be capable in the future, in fact SKF entrusted it with the task for the construction of a new automatic warehouse, with 7 aisles and a storage capacity of 28.000 loading units.
The automatic warehouse represented a significant leap forward for SKF, which relied heavily on the impact that this would have had in future years for the management of its logistics.
Today, after “only” 43 years, we can confirm that the choice of SKF was correct, given that Lyto’s has been tasked to update seismically the existing “old” warehouse, “old” only as age, but still fully working, and to add the eighth aisle, which in the initial project had been planned as a future extension, but then no longer realized.
More specifically, new order was conferred with the task to adapt the existing warehouse, still fully functioning, to the new seismic parameters, radically changed compared to those in use at the construction, and also to add the eighth aisle, due to the fact that the existing warehouse is almost 100 % saturated. Main difficulty, as it is easy to imagine, were the installation activities, the need was to adapt the 7 existing aisles, with the addition of appropriate new structural elements, but without ever blocking the functionality of the warehouse. Addition of the eighth aisle, able to increase the storage capacity of 5000 unit load distributed on 25 levels, has been easy from the production point of view, but difficult from the installation point of view, as it has had to operate in very limited spaces, which allowed only the width of the structures, with a few centimeters of tolerance.
Once again Lyto’s succeeded in the task that it had set itself, maintaining the expected times.