A warehouse full of surprises: FINDER
Again Lyto’s for the new project of Barilla in Parma
22/12/2017Has been completed and tested in December 2017, the last project of a new self supporting automatic warehouse, realized by Lyto’s in Lipeck, Russian city located at about 500 km south of Moscow, and capital city of the homonymous province.
It is a self supporting warehouse for frozen food (exercise temperature of – 20 °C), able to storage about 14100 unit load with max weight of 750 kg each, and distributed in 2 aisles in multi deep, with a height of about 36 m.
Warehouse is part of an investment, done by a Russian company, for a new production plant in the city of Lipeck, city with about 1 million people, that has created a special tax zone for new investments.
If from a design point of view, the project itself did not present critical characteristics (Lyto’s has in its references, made warehouses of much greater dimensions and heights, and with operating temperatures up to – 28 °C), were the managerial aspects that have had to be considered carefully.
First of all, the Russian design standards that must be considered (but Lyto’s already boasted realizations done in Russia), in facts structural calculations of the rack were approved by the Local Authorities without any note, then the various local authorizations necessary to perform the installation of the warehouse, still the organization of the various activities on site, to avoid interferences with other Suppliers present on site in the same time.
Under this aspect, Lyto’s organization has shown, one more time, to be able to manage in the best way a project and a site not very simple (Local Authorities not always disposable and pro-active), having always as objective the maintaining of the time schedule of the project.