The LYTO’S Tips to prospective customers
Lyto’s still present at Logimat 2018
15/11/2017Not a simply monograph, with a chronology of the many successes, that Lyto’s has obtained from 1965 to present, but a real novel, able to do grasping to the reader, the strong humanity, which has always characterized his Company.
This has been the starting point, that Marco Zanisi, has proudly developed in the novel “The azure giants”, written in cooperation with Sabrina Minetti, brilliant journalist, editor and writer.

Below, the review published by the publishing house, Edizioni dEste.
The history of a company and the Family that created her, and made her grow up. Along a journey that began fifty years ago, it loosen and intertwine, eventful and compelling business and personal affairs. In the background, a country, Italy, and a changing world.
A revolutionary patent, a workshop apprentice that will become a legendary captain of industry, his wife, precious life partner and ally in business, a son that will follow the footsteps of his father, the passionate confrontations between them, and their deep bond of affection, cemented by the foresight of the eldest, to give space to the business growth of the young, and the boldness of him, facing with responsibility and love for the new, the obstacles and challenges of existence and of doing business. And then the stages of growth towards adulthood of the son, and his arrival at the helm : also in his destiny there is a wife, who will join him, with invaluable expertise in the professional career. Historic collaborations in business, that, then become everlasting friendships.
The extraordinary successes and the market crisis. Cars darting at 180 km/h and a crane nicknamed Moana. Paintings and thoroughbred horses. Taverns and Moulin Rouge. Tears and smiles.
It seems like a novel. Instead it is the true story of Lyto’s, a leading international player, in the racking industry for automated warehouses. The blue giants, are the spectacular steel structures, with characteristic color. Almost everywhere in the world, they preserve the most diverse goods, and even a dream, the legendary Ferrari. But the real giants, and of “all colors” are the employees who worked over time and work today in Lyto’s, with team spirit and sense of belonging; are the customers, the suppliers, the consultants and the company partners, that in cooperation with Lyto’s have operated in the market pursuing quality, reliability, safety and innovation.
Because at the heart of every company, there are people.

Marco Zanisi
(Milano 1967) after studying he immediately goes in Lyto’s, the Family business. Quickly he acquires mastery of productive and organizational aspects, alongside his father Roberto – legendary captain of industry, and focus of all business negotiations – in the management of the Company. Since 2010, Lyto’s guide goes into his hands. Today Marco Zanisi is CEO and owner of the Company. Since has always been passionate of the written word, during 2015, in the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of Lyto’s, he decides to tell the story, to retrace the stages and celebrate its values.

Sabrina Minetti
(Milano 1965) she is involved in training, communication and publishing, is a journalist, editor and writer. She has published the novels “The island of rainbow flights” (Autodafè, 2011) and “Sand” (Edizioni d’Este, under the pseudonym of Eva F Dewalker) and numerous stories in anthologies. In 2015, transposes the business case of Lyto’s, in a novel inside the collection “Fascinating business stories” (Rancilio Cube/Edizioni d’Este 2015). When Marco Zanisi talking to her about his book project on Lyto’s story, she proposes to write it as a novel.