Project La Doria – Parma
Completed the GIV project – Gruppo Italiano Vini
14/07/2019Although with a little delay due to the execution of the civil works, the installation of the new automatic warehouse in Santiago de Chile has finally begun, 143 x 39 x 28 m with a storage capacity just over the 30.000 pallets locations, these are “the external numbers of the project” to understand its magnitude, but even if large, these numbers are not able to explain what is contained in this project.
Let’s start from the beginning of the supply of Lyto’s.
Chile as it is well known, is one of the countries with the highest seismicity in the world, so particular attention was rightly paid to the structural design of the self-supporting rack, but here the fact to be Lyto’s product not drilled and therefore highly resistant, welded and not bolted, pre-assembled in the production cycle and not assembled on site, certainly played in favor of the required resistance characteristics. But not only, having to comply with the Chilean norms (which are well known to Lyto’s, having already carried out some projects in Chile) very careful, for obvious reasons to the seismic parameters, has led Lyto’s to develop new solutions, especially as regards the ground anchors of the structures. Solutions totally accepted by Chilean Engineers, local counterparts of Lyto’s.
As regards the type of the rack structure, this is the typical of Lyto’s for a warehouse with 5 aisles in double deep, with top hats that guarantee a complete support of the pallets , even in the case of poor quality, while also allowing a greater grip tolerance to the stacker crane forks.
But that is not all, the ability to manage the entire project, has meant that the Customer has appointed Lyto’s for the complete cladding and also for the fire prevention system.
Since these aspects are undoubtedly important, for the advantages that a complete management of the project is able to give, it will be useful to deepen them in a future news.