LYTO’S is the “Company to Watch 2012”
CRIBIS D&B awards LYTO’S with the index of maximum reliability
27/02/2013Very good results achieved on 2012 despite the heavy international economic crisis.
The overall volume of sales reached almost 21 milion euro, an increase of about 5 % compared to 2011, with a significant portion made abroad, through projects realized in Chile, Mexico, Spain, Brazil, Czech Republic, India.
During 2012 were consolidated partnership already in place with some of the worldwide important Companies in the automation market and have grown in parallel also the cooperation with those other Companies, operating worldwide that have turned to Lyto’s as a leading supplier of rack structures.
The level of employment has been kept intact, with a significant rise in the level of professionalism and internazionalization, through targeted training activities.
Have been reached important achievements of development and product innovation, with further steps of capacity on the Lyto’s joint beam-upright (on 2013 our patent of invention will turn 50 years), and also have been developed a new range of profiles for higher capacity.
2012 has been also the year of the prestigious certification of the Management System of the Health and Safety of Workers, according to the standard of the international norm
OHSAS 18001 : 2007.
Actually 2013 shows a fairly good levels of orders, able to provide over the 60 % of the annual turnover, and with an interesting volume of offers in both Italian and International market.
Therefore there are all the prerequisites for another year full of satisfaction and success for Lyto’s.