Kaizen Room inaugurated: the space for innovation in Lyto’s home

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Back to the world of apples

Lyto’s determined drive towards the principles of Lean Thinking and Lean Management, has led the company to take another step forward, inaugurating the new Kaizen Room, a place designed to stimulate creativity, the comparison and pursuit of excellence through continuous improvement.

An oasis of inspiration in the heart of the company

The Kaizen Room, strategically located in the green of the company park, departs from the traditional work environments; the choice was made specifically to promote concentration, freedom of thought and collaboration among employees outside the canonical work environments.

An environment that speaks of innovation

Inside the room, the bright colours and motivational phrases on the walls convey a clear message: improvement, excellence and teamwork, which are and will be more and more part of Lyto’s DNA.

  • "Embrace change because improvement is the key to success"

  • "Excellence is not a skill, it’s an attitude towards every task we undertake"

  • "The strength of the team is each member, the strength of each member is the team".

These simple but meaningful phrases underline the values on which Lyto’s is and wants to build its success.

A place for comparison and growth

The Kaizen Room is much more than a meeting room.
Regular meetings are held here to share ideas, discuss and solve problems, and set new goals for the future.
It is a place where every human resource of the company has the possibility to express its point of view and contribute actively to the improvement of the processes.