LYTO’S closes a successfull 2012
Nuovi successi di AUTOMHA e LYTO’S insieme
10/04/2013The D&B report certifies the excellent state of health of a company close to accomplish 50 years of activities.
Mr. Roberto Zanisi, Lyto’s founder,suddenly died at the end of 2009, would certainly have been very proud to award the certificate of Rating nr. 1 “Maximum reliability index” issued by the prestigious Cribis D & B, world wide company, known as reference in the companies rating information.
But at the same time, Mr. Roberto Zanisi, would have been very surprised to learn that only 3 % of the Italian Companies are in the same position of Lyto’s.
In a national contest of strong under capitalization, low level of cash flow and high debt, Lyto’s presents itself as an extremely reliable company (Failure score of 100 compared to an industry average of 32 for this sector), extremely precise in matching the payments to its suppliers ( Deliquency score of 100 compared to an industry average of 44 for this sector) and extremely solid thanks to a financial consistency based on own means equal to about the 20 % of the annual volume of business.
Significant is the data relating to the indebtdness to the banks, Lyto’s in fact does not support any borrowing costs, with a direct benefit of its competitiveness and on its quotations that can practice to its Customers.