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Top Ten Lyto’s 2023
09/03/2023Excellence in Italy, and consequently global player in production and sales of high quality wines, “Gruppo Italiano Vini “ (GIV) wanted to equip itself with a new automatic warehouse, to cope with the increase in market demands, but with ever shorter times for the delivery of orders.
The best answer to deal with this problem is first of all the availability of the product, and then the ability to manage it practically in real time with respect to the demand. First problem is logically dependent on GIV, which through its vineyards located in the best Italian Regions for the production of the wine, manages to meet the demands of the market. On the other hand, for the second problem, GIV has relied on those who have been living on these problems for over 50 years, in fact Lyto’s has been entrusted with developing and constructing the entire structural part of the new automated warehouse located in the Province of Verona.
Fruit of this collaboration is a new automatic warehouse that occupies an area of about 3000 sqm with an height of 26 m and capable of storing 11000 pallets containing excellent wine, ready to be sold both in Italy and abroad.
However, the fact of selling one’s own product both in Italy and abroad, requires a certain flexibility with regard to packaging, Lyto’s attentive to the Client’s requests/needs, has in fact developed a warehouse project, capable of storing pallets of different sizes with maximum flexibility, thus freeing GIV from the problems concerning the mix of variations required by the market. Being able to store everything everywhere, offers the undoubted advantage of always being able to satisfy requests, regardless of their variability. But not only, the solution offered by Lyto’s, bays in double/triple depth, also frees GIV from all problems related to the quality of pallets, making storage management even safer.
And again, given the type of product sold, where the aesthetic of packaging sometimes offers a plus to the product, even in the new automated warehouse, Lyto’s has proposed a cladding solution, which combines technical features with high aesthetic performance. On the external walls of the warehouse, mirror strips were created, capable of reflecting light, giving very beautiful optical effects.
Lyto’s has completed the construction of the warehouse, which is now in operation, respecting the contractual deadlines, thus making a further success for the already many who in over 50 years have been realized all over the world.