50 years of experience in design
and construction of high bay automated warehouse

Building warehouses: Lyto’s success
Every success has its history and a solid foundation on which it is built.
Lyto’s, born in the middle of 60s, has accumulated during its first 50 years, experience and competence, which enabled it to achieve a leading role in the logistic field, alongside the most important automation companies, both domestic and international, realizing structures for automated warehouses in over than 1200 plants.
Strong specialization and its product, which main feature is represented by the friction joint, with its high capacity and total design freedom, led Lyto’s to the success in Italy and abroad. In fact, in addition to an extensive and well-established presence in the Italian and European market, the Company has over the time also started an internationalization in the emerging countries: significant realizations in projects installed in Chile, Mexico, Brazil, Czech Republic, India, Saudi Arabia.
Lyto’s, that now employs 70 people, with an annual sales over 26 million euro, confirms to be the ideal supplier, able to understand and solve Customer problems, starting from the complete design foundations, to the customized cladding, completing the supply if necessary with special containers or metal pallets.
Building warehouses: our unique target
Since several years, Lyto’s has made of the realization of structures for automated warehouses, its unique goal and corporate business. Trend that since the beginning Lyto’s has undertook, by directing its efforts towards the achievement and the maintaining of the high quality level of production and construction of warehouses.

Engaged in the constant reference of the international standards UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 - UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 - UNI EN ISO 45001:2018, Lyto’s follows directly the preliminary study, design, production and installation of the rack for the automated warehouses served by stacker cranes, basing its policy, on quality, environmental, health and safety of workers.
In addition, Lyto’s uses only raw material of the highest quality, monitors constantly the production and installation processes, and realizes directly on its Technical Department study and design of its products, using the most sophisticated software tools available on the market.
All above mentioned, is improved and perfected with the fundamental contribution of the production and installation managers, traditionally fundamentals on the team approach to the projects, that in Lyto’s since decades is well consolidated.
Building warehouses: our specialty
After more than 50 years on business, Lyto’s can boast an important experience, gained over time along, with tastes and trends of its Customers.

Lyto’s puts a continuous attention to the quality of the products and to the safety of the services offered, placing itself alongside to its Customers. All realizations are planned since the beginning for each activity, so as to provide to the customer the best solution that suits its needs and within the terms established by the contract. Lyto’s structures are characterized by the special friction clamp, which ensures high capacity (more than 6.000 kg per load location), the possibility of millimetric adjustment and the absolute freedom of design, given the independence of fixed constraints such as the pitch of drilled holes.
Among the main Customers are included companies on the field of production and trade of screws, as industries in many other fields as mechanics, electro-mechanics, chemical and pharmaceutical, plastic, food and beverage, paper and others.