LYTO’S si dota di un nuovo modello di organizzazione, gestione e controllo
The excellent guarantee to invest in LYTO’S products
09/09/2015Is in fact in 1965, that Roberto Zanisi, founder of Lyto’s, started the company in the market of the rack structures in general, and in the specific ones for the automatic warehouses, first for the Italian market alone, then, with the passage of the years, for the market now become global.
The name Lyto’s, a “mysterious” neologism coined specially in the 60s to define the invention patent that even today distinguishes the product, has earned over the decades the respect and appreciation of the market and competitors operating in it.
A name and a company, which by its uniqueness is difficult to forget and confusing for many reasons, but especially for that “culture” deeply rooted in the company, that put in the center of each choice, the functional needs of the whole system and not just the structural ones.
This because the structural system of Lyto’s, doesn’t pose structural constraints in any element : there are not drilling step, that oblige, especially in the development in height, “to undergo” certain positions, maybe having “to give up” a load level; there aren’t horizontal beams with end fittings welded, which oblige “to restrict” the design creativity; there aren’t uprights “weakened” by a myriad of holes which, by reducing the effective resistance area, oblige to increase the sizes with consequent “loss” of useful space for load; there aren’t vertical frames with standard widths, that “force” to adapt rather than be able to freely define the best solution to be adopted.
The structural solutions that today Lyto’s proposes, are in fact the natural result of this culture of the product and of know-how acquired in 50 years of realizations, thanks also to the direct management of the various processes, design, production and installation.
It is by the technical office of Lyto’s that all projects are developed, based on the customer needs and in accordance to national and international norms.
The experience gained so far, in facts has drove us to develop projects in all 5 continents, thus having acquired skills to enable us to work with norms sometime very different from each other, from South America to Far East.
Another strong point is the control of the entire production process, Lyto’s in facts, produces all structures of its warehouses, thus being able to control the entire production chain, from the quality control of the incoming raw material, to the production process itself, where each processing stage is appropriately controlled and certified.
Further and not negligible significant advantage, is the certainty of production time, which always lead us to ensure the delivery time, a factor of considerable importance, given the increasing criticality of the time factor.
Last but certainly not in importance, is the fact that, in addition to design and produce directly its structures, Lyto’s follows directly also the installation at the customer’s site, thus ensuring the absolute correspondence between the design and its implementation, in accordance to the highest standards of product quality and safety in the workplace.
What we expect for the next 50 years ? Neither more nor less than what we have done and achieved so far, a consolidation of our position in the international market, a moderate and controlled growth, from both points of view of employment and productive.
The recent past, allow us to have confidence in the future of Lyto’s: 2014 probably one of the worst years of the National and European economy, in fact has registered for Lyto’s a significant increase in employment (+ 17 %), an important turnover (about 23 million euro), and an order portfolio which already enable us to bet on an equally large volume of sales for the year 2015.
There only remains to formulate the wish to meet us again in 50 years, to enjoy the taste of the achievements obtained, result of a passionate commitment and an acquired experience in the complex field of the automated warehouses.